Spring 2017 Volleyball Information
- Updated: February 8, 2017

Spring 2017 CBFO Volleyball
Please spread the word that we plan on having league play for current 3rd through 12th grade student athletes (grade as of September 2016). We anticipate also having a competitive league in the high school and possibly the middle school this spring. Most practices and games will be in west Knox county schools.
We are starting games a week later than I expected to accommodate Knox County Schools Spring Break. A tentative league schedule follows:
February 25th registration ends
February 27th – March 4th competitive tryouts, coaches meeting, parents meeting
March 6th – March 24th practices, uniforms arrive
March 25th – April 29th regular season games (Saturdays)
May 5th – May 7th preliminary tournament dates
Coaches may register a team. In most cases these teams will be required to play in the competitive division, especially in the middle and high school leagues. I realize this is a slight change to previous years, but we are going to pilot this with the spring and see how it works. In many cases student athletes will actually learn more and grow faster if there is consistency with the coach. It also cuts down on wasted time when each league starts up. Coaches should reach out to me if this is something they want to explore.
I need coaches! You can never have too many in this kind of league! If anyone is interested in being a coach, please contact me so we can make arrangements and discuss.
All players will receive uniforms prior to the season starting. To help expedite this process please make sure you have the appropriate size filled out on the registration form. Coaches will be asked to verify this information at the first practice.
It is critical that when registering you fill out the question that asks if there are any nights your student athlete CANNOT practice. Please do not fill this out with the nights that you CAN practice. When dividing teams and putting together a practice schedule I will use this information to ensure your player is on a team that will always practice nights they can be in attendance.
We will have a picture day during the spring league…that date is TBD.
I would like to encourage everyone to join the CBFO Knox Volleyball Facebook group using the link below. This is the fastest and best way to communicate to everyone…
You may also reach me via email at cbfoknoxvolleyball@gmail.com
The website at www.cbfoclub.org/volleyball will be updated sparingly, as there is a turn-around time for posts going up and I can update via the Facebook group instantly.
Thank you so much for continuing to bring your student athletes to CBFO! We are looking forward to a great spring season!
Chris Stamm
CBFO Volleyball Commissioner
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